Can cause “memory leak - means the memory getting so full that software-program crashes” because developer may forget to deallocate the memory in heat.
—Stack - automatic memory for function calls…each function call create one and is deallocated after the function call exists. (less bugs?)
—Pass the pointer to a thing by using & in c.
—In linked list, the head pointer(local to a function) is in stack and the node is in the heap(user created, malloc’d)
—Recursion is solving problem by solving a smaller problem of the same type.
—Recursive algorithm must have a base case. Where there is more than one recursive call, you will often need more than one base case.
Quick Sort
Algorithm for partition:
1. while data[index_to_bigger_data] <=data[pivot]
2. while data[index_to_smaller_data] <=data[pivtot]
3. if index_to_bigger_data < index_to_smaller_data
swap data[index_to_bigger_data] and data[index_to_smaller_data]
4. While index_to_smaller_data > index_to_bigger_data, go to 1.
5. Swap data[index_to_smaller_data] and data[pivot_index]
Sort Algorithms
Sort Algorithm Name | Sort Algorithm Soul |
Selection Sort | Scan for min, 2nd min or max |
Bubble Sort | Swap(a,b) - in-place XOR etc |
Insertion Sort | array vs. list |
Shell Sort | example from class |
Counting Sort | find the most frequent |
Merge Sort | |
Quick Sort | Partition is as important as merge() in merge sort -- relationship to BST, recursion |
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