Monday, July 20, 2009

iTunes Store Continuous Play

Hola Amigos e Amigas :)

The following is an AppleScript utility for making the iTunes Store continuous play. Every now and then when we want to check out some new songs, we go to the iTunes Store on iTunes and we find that it is tormenting because we have to be hitting next song every 30 seconds.

This script is a solution for that problem. It has its limitations though. First of all, it will need to be run for each list(i will enhance it and repost when I can).

To get it work for you: copy and paste this script into "Script Editor".
1. Locate the "Script Editor" first by pressing "Command + Space" and typing "Script Editor"

2. Save the script as "iTunes Store Continuous.scpt"

3. Bring up the list you want to have continuous play on itunes store.

4. Toggle back to the script editor and hit "Play" button. (get used to the function by hitting Stop/Play a twice or thrice, just to see example of how it is working)

very important:

5. No need to install the script.

6. Always stop the script in the "script editor" by hitting the red "Stop" button before shutting down your computer or exiting itunes.



tell application "iTunes"
next track
end tell
delay 32
end repeat