Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Most Used Eclipse Shortcuts

This list is I believe (becoz i use : ) ), the most used eclipse shortcuts, be it myEclipse, IRAD's eclipse, CFEclipse or any other flavor of eclipse.

These are mostly the ones you use to edit text in the editor and also has the most important ones for searching.

I am sure at least 3 to 4 shortcuts here will be new for every avid shortcut users.

ctrl + shift + t
search for (java) types
you can enter only the uppercase letters of your wanted class or interface. eclipse will bring only such types to the top which contains these uppercase letters inside their names.
i.e. entering BAD finds BaseAccountData or BindAccountDAO etc

ctrl + shift + r
searches for any resources .
the same is true for search with uppercase letters as mentioned above. beside types, eclipse will list any other resources, i.e. jsp, xml, properties, ...

ctrl + o
searches for a method inside a type. let you jump quickly to the beginning of a method.

opens the declaration of a type. let you jump quickly from a type to another type. just place the cursor to the declared type you want to jump to and hit F3. you can alternatively push ctrl and click onto the type you want to open.

alt + arrow left / rigth
lets you jump right back (and forth) to the location (i.e. type declaration) you came from.

ctrl + t
shows the type hierarchy of a type. just place the cursor to the declared type with the wanted hierarchy and hit ctrl + t. now you can scroll through the hierarchy (arrow up / down) and open the desired supertype or subtype (by hitting enter).

ctrl + shift + g
searches for all references of a type or method. just place the cursor the the declaration of the type or method and hit ctrl + shift + g. now you have an overview of all types in workspace which references your class / method.

-> Searching forward (backward) for the last highlighted text

Ctrl+. -> Go to the next warning / error
Ctrl+, -> Go to the previous warning / error
* works in Javaperspective, not e.g. in phpeclipse

Ctrl+shift+l -> List of many available Shortcuts

Alt + Shift + J, release then press X
runs the program

Ctrl + NumPad - or +
to collapse/uncollapse

Ctrl + NumPad * (multiply key)
To expand all

Ctrl + NumPad / (divide key)
to collapse all

Alt+Shift+Q, B
Show all breakpoints

Alt+Shift+Q, H
Cheat sheets

Alt+Shift+Q, C
Show console

To upper case

To lower case

Go to previous member

Go to next member

Go to matching bracket

Open call hierarchy

Alt + Shift + S
source quick menu

Ctrl + Shift + \ or / or C
comment uncomment block

Ctrl + /
toggle selection comment

Ctrl + L
Shift left

Ctrl + 3
Pretty much lets you search anything and everything

Ctrl + E
Same as ctrl + F6